Friday, November 8, 2013

Day 52 Sunset

Day - 52 Sondra was commenting on the sunset tonight, so I ran and grabbed the camera and this is what I got! Enjoy

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Day 51 - New Little Family

DAY 51 - When I saw Taylor's new tat he was showing off, I decided that I needed to take a portrait of Cambria on her Daddy's belly showing off his two masterpieces! Isn't she beautiful...so is her Mommy! Love this little family, love the pic! Enjoy.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Day 50 - Baby "C"

DAY 50 - Baby "C" is only nine days old. She is beautiful and such a little sweetheart. We put her through a lot! She slept most of the time, but we got some great shots with her eyes open!  This photo shoot was about 90 minutes away from the studio, so we packed it up and took it with us! The best prop... her Daddy! Pics will be displayed in a few days. Isn't she the sweetest?